VEF Blog

Titre du blog : kylexy music
Auteur : KyleXY
Date de création : 31-05-2008
posté le 31-05-2008 à 11:30:08

The reason hoosbank

i'm not a perfect person. there are many things i wish i didnt
but i continue learning. i never meant to do those things to
and so i have to say before i go, that i just want you to

i've found a reason for me, to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new, and the reason is you

i'm sorry that i hurt, its something i must live with
and all the pain i put you through, i wish that i could take
it all away
and be the one who catches all your tears, thats why i need
you to hear

i'm not a perfect person, i never meant to do those things to
and so i have to say before i go that i just want you to

i've found a reason for me, to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new, and the reason is you
i've found a reason to show a side of me you didnt know
a reason for all that i do, and the reason is you

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